Avoid Corruption

Stay Grounded in God’s Word To Avoid Corruption

Be careful who you listen to and watch on social media especially when it comes to the word of God. Use discernment before clicking. After watching, take everything to God in prayer asking if the word should be received. There are only a handful of people I will listen to and even then I don’t listen to everything they post. It’s important to build your own relationship with God and his word so that you can discern what to receive versus what is foolishness. 

Jeremiah 23:16-18 (NIV) says: This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they will fill you with false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord, They keep saying to those who despise me,  “The Lord says: You will have peace and to all who follow the stubbornness of their hearts they say, ‘No harm will come to you.’ But which of them has stood in the council of the Lord to see or to hear his word?

Be careful because people can corrupt you spiritually. There are some who speak the truth and there are some people who don’t. We are living in the last days and spiritual warfare has ramped up. The goal of the enemy is to have us take our eyes and focus off God by giving into temptation and making exceptions for ways of life that go against God and His Kingdom. There is a war going on and the battle is for your soul.

Expose Yourself to His Word

When we expose ourselves to the word of God and his truths we’re able to become acquainted with the knowledge of His word. This raises our awareness and gives us spiritual insight into how we should be operating our lives. We can become exposed to things and not realize the impact it has on our spirit. Our relationship with God is important because allows him to reveal things about ourselves that we need to change. We need God’s direction to change so that we are fit for the purposes He designed for our lives. 

Once you come to the understanding of who Christ is and begin to live as a new creature. You must feed your spirit with the right things to keep the momentum going. Romans 12:2 (NIV) tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds to test and approve God’s will. Reading the word of God, fasting, praying, and meditating on scriptures feed your spirit and keep your momentum going. 

The You Version Bible App is a great resource available through your computer or mobile device that helps can help you stay connected to the Word of God. They have bible reading plans on a wide variety of topics, devotionals, and a daily prayer guide to help you stay connected to the kingdom of God. 

Staying connected to God will help you avoid unnecessary confusion and delay in your life. Let his word be a lamp to your feet. Allow God to lead and guide you in the direction he has willed for your life. Surrender today and place your life in his hands because he is trustworthy.

Pray for Discernment

In order to remain connected, we need to develop and use the gift of discernment. Discernment is a tool God uses to guide us in making decisions and choices. If you’ve been making bad choices lately, pray for discernment. Ask God to increase your discernment and for the boldness to operate in it.

There have been times when I’ve made decisions that go against my discernment and what my spirit was telling me to do. I knew deep in my spirit that something was off, but moved forward anyway. The lessons that came from my bad decisions taught me to always consult with God. Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.

If you’ve been through a traumatic experience, your decisions can be influenced by that trauma. We can make decisions based on our paranoia or anger stemming from our past. We need to seek God in all things because even our gut instinct could be off.

We have to be active in our faith. Even when we fall short, God is still there waiting on us to return to Him. Don’t allow guilt or shame to prevent you from returning to God and living the life he has purposed for you. We all fall short and make mistakes. Repenting and acknowledging our sins to God helps to put us back on the right path again. Studying the bible, applying scripture to our lives, and discernment will help us avoid corruption from the world.