God's helping hand

Help From God to Accomplish His Purpose For Your Life

I’ve been studying Isaiah 42 in the bible.  During my study, I like to pick out the verses that stand out the most to me and meditate on them so that I can understand and receive revelation on how to apply them to my life. Isaiah 42 starts out by describing the characteristics of a person who serves the Lord and how he guides them along the way. When God calls us to do something, it may seem impossible to us, but he will be there holding our hand along the way to accomplish the purpose of our lives.  

We can’t do it on our own

When God calls us out to do something that seems impossible it means we have to hold his hand to accomplish it. If you’re stuck wondering how you will accomplish God’s plan for your life, stop now. Don’t focus on the how. It’s his plan so we have to seek him to figure out the right path to navigate. This means we have to follow his instructions even when he’s requiring us to do something that doesn’t make sense. 

His ways are not our ways 

Isaiah 55:8 (NIV) says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. God’s thoughts are higher than ours. We can’t outthink, assume, and know everything he’s doing in our lives. We can trust and know that whatever he is doing is good despite our circumstances. Proverbs 3:5 reminds us to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. The concept of leaning on God and not our own abilities is in the bible several times to reiterate trusting in God and to adopt a Godly perspective when navigating through life. 

The right timing

I’m a hobbyist baker and in certain recipes, some of the ingredients like eggs or milk have to be at room temperature before mixing them together. So you have to be patient and wait until the conditions are just right in order for the final product to be complete. Allowing your eggs to reach room temperature before mixing them into your ingredients allows for a smoother creamier batter. Adding cold eggs results in a lumpier batter and contributes to a longer baking time. 

Obedience is better than sacrifice

Adding cold eggs to the batter doesn’t mean that we won’t get the final product in end, however, the final product is better because the conditions were just right. 

God gives us ideas for books, and businesses, and speaks promises over our lives concerning our future. In order for these things to manifest, we have to be obedient to all the things God is telling us to do. The things he’s telling us to do shapes us into becoming the person that is the writer, the businessperson, and who receives the blessing. 

God shapes us into who he wants us to be to accomplish his plans for the world. In Isaiah 42: 6 God mentions that he will keep his servant and hold their hand for the purposes in verse 7 which says, “to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. 

The text is referring to physical things, but I believe they all relate to our spiritual state as well. We can be spiritually blind, in a mental prison, or be in a dark place mentally based on the things that happened in our lives. God is calling us to be chain breakers and for our light to shine and influence others in a Godly way. If you’re anything like me, this task may seem unattainable because of who you are at the moment, or, because of what you’ve done in the past. 

God has chosen us

I love the way David puts in in Psalms 8:6, saying “You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet. To me, this shows we have authority. In John 14:12, Jesus tells us that whoever believes in him will do greater things than him. In this scripture, God reveals what’s in store for his believers.

Have confidence knowing that God has chosen you for a purpose and that he’s willing to hold your hand to accomplish the purpose. The only thing that can come between it is your decisions. Decide to put all your trust in him, to follow his ways, and to know with him on your side it will come to pass.