Showing 4 Result(s)
God's Plan is Best

How To Make Plans for Your Life: God’s Way Is Best

I’m not sure when vision boards became widely popularized, but before the new year comes, we hear and see posts about what people want to manifest for the new year.  I’ll admit I found myself on occasion creating my vision for the new year and then when December rolled around not much of what I …

Learn and Grow from Your Failures

Learn from Your Failures

Just because we make a mistake doesn’t mean God loves us any less. When our behaviors and actions cause us to suffer it leads to repentance. True repentance sets the way for a new beginning and way of life. Bad behaviors and decisions lead us to regret. I learned many lessons from my failures over …

Repentance and Turning Back to The Father.

From reading about repentance in the bible, I always assumed the meaning was something along the lines of returning to God. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the word and the intended meaning, I looked it up. The King James Dictionary defines repent as: “To Change One’s Mind & Purpose; Regret”. From this …