Can God Bring People Back To Life?

Can God Bring People Back To Life? The Simple Answer is Yes.

Someone asked a question under one of my Facebook posts asking if God can bring people back to life. Initially, when I read this question, I thought about the place where the inquisitor was asking from. Have they or someone they know spiritually died and wondered if it’s possible to be resurrected to a place where they are in alignment with God? Could it be there was someone who was physically dying and they had hope about God restoring that person back to a place full of life? The simple answer is yes, God brings people back to life. God’s wisdom, the power of the Holy Spirit, and his Son, Jesus Christ, all are sources of life to us on Earth. 

Finding Life in God’s Wisdom

I love Proverbs in the Bible. It’s the foundation for how to live a successful life. Getting Godly wisdom is the key to unlocking a purposeful life in the kingdom of God. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord or great reverence for God and his ways. Proverbs 8:35-36 says, “For those who find me find life and receive favor from the lord. But those who fail to find me harm themselves; all who hate me love death” This scripture emphasizes the importance of finding wisdom and the result of not choosing to do so. 

Finding life in God’s wisdom is reading scripture from the bible, meditating on it, and applying it to your life. It starts with you. So how does this relate to the original question? Well, if you want life, seek Godly wisdom. Sometimes we want to have the answer to our problems drop out of the sky. The truth is it will take a decision and action to live a purposeful life. 

The Power of the Holy Spirit Can Bring The Dead Back To Life

The bible is proof that God can and has raised people from the dead. In Luke 8:40, we’re introduced to a man named Jairus who sought Jesus to heal his sick daughter. By Luke 8:49, we find out that someone from the house of Jarius informs him that his daughter is dead. In verse 50 Jesus says, “Don’t be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed”. Jesus goes home with Jarius and takes his daughter by her hand and commands, “My child, get up!”. Verse 55 tells us that her spirit returned and at once she stood up. 

Another occurrence we see in the raising of the dead in Scripture is with Lazarus. In John 11:4, when Jesus heard Lazurus died he says, “ This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” There was a purpose for the death and resurrection of Lazarus. It was so people would believe and have faith in Jesus.  

If you have faith and what you’re asking is in God’s will, it will happen. I say this based on evidence from the two occurrences referenced above. God is mysterious. Sometimes there isn’t an explanation for why things don’t play out the way we expect as in scripture. In 2017 my own father became deathly sick. One night I prayed intensely asking for his healing and for him to be at peace. The next day he died. I had faith that he would be healed from his sickness and as I look back now, maybe that was the only way for him to be at peace. Just because I was disappointed doesn’t mean God isn’t in control and doesn’t have the ability to resurrect the dead as we see in scripture. 

Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life

The most famous resurrection from the dead is Jesus Christ. The purpose of Jesus’ death and resurrection was to set us free from the law of sin and death. Jesus’ death and resurrection allow us to live life through the Holy Spirit which gives life. Romans 8:11 says, “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” Once we believe in our hearts that Christ died and was resurrected and declare Jesus is Lord, we also die and resurrect with him so that we have a new life with the Spirit (Romans 7:4-6).  The Holy Spirit of God brings us back to life from our wicked ways that led to sin, shame, and death.

The Spirit helps us in our weaknesses, gives peace, and justifies all who have faith in Christ. In the same way, we need bread to sustain us, we need Christ to live a life in the Spirit that is not hostile to God (Romans 8:7) and keeps us balanced throughout the trials we will face. You were chosen and brought at a price to carry out God’s will on Earth. 

A life with Christ fills the missing void caused by the trauma we experienced. Without him, there is a continuous cycle of seeking out other things to fill our emptiness. Faith in Christ and an encounter with God can radically change your life. Had it not been for my faith and personal encounter, I wouldn’t be the woman I am today.  I would still be living a life not worthy of the plan and purpose God has for my life. God brought me back to life, changed my perspective, and continues to shape and mold me as the days go by. Choosing God and living by the Spirit hasn’t been the easiest thing to do but it is completely worth it. God can bring anyone back to life that seeks out his wisdom and have faith in his Son, Jesus Christ.