Have you ever come to a point in life and wondered, how did I end up here? After a bad decision, there will be a point in time when you come to your senses about where you are in life and start to desire better. In Luke 15:16-17, after squandering his inheritance, the lost son was hired to feed pigs and was so hungry he was tempted to eat the pods the pigs were eating. It wasn’t until he came to his senses and realized his father had the resources to spare that he decided to turn back home. That was the start of his journey to making better decisions.
I like to use the Parable of the lost son to make a point because I believe a lot of us, myself included, have instances where we want what we want on demand, not thinking about the consequences of our decisions. Sometimes we end up making rash decisions when we don’t know what we have access to. God is the creator of all things and has infinite resources to help us accomplish his preordained plan and purpose for our lives. I have learned that prudence and shrewdness are qualities we absolutely need to have when making decisions in life that impact our lives and our families. The decisions we make today have an effect on the generations after us.
A Life Worth Living
We can make good decisions but God knows best. Godly wisdom is necessary to navigate through life as a follower of Christ. We truly have to surrender to God and his way. After all, he’s the one with the plan and purpose for our lives. We have to be in alignment with his will to walk it out on earth. Proverbs 1:23 says, “Repent at my rebuke! Then I will pour out my thoughts to you. I will make known to you my teachings”. When I read this verse, I get excited! God will willingly pour his thoughts out to us when we turn from our way and follow his way. Godly knowledge is a resource that can be used to change the world.
In order to start the journey to better you have to turn from your own way and choose God. I say this with love, he is the only way to true fulfillment and satisfaction. The journey on the road to a successful life starts with following God. Following God looks like studying the word, applying the word to your life, praying, and fasting.
A Fool and Their Decisions
Proverbs 1:7 says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. The word fools in proverbs describe a person who lacks morals. Many things that are acceptable in today’s society are not a part of God’s plan and are morally deficient. With the rise of a culture that cancels out individuals who think differently from the majority, people are afraid to stand up for things that contribute to the deterioration of our communities. It seems the further we go in time, the further people go away from God, and, the crazier the world gets. Even though it’s a new day and times change, God’s word remains the same.
Going your own way is easier than following God’s way. Going out to clubs, getting drunk, high, and having pre-marital sex is easy to do especially when you’re around people and environments that offer those opportunities. It’s easy to get lost in so much forbidden fruit when you’re avoiding your internal issues. All of the things we use to avoid our pain keep us in bondage to the pain. It is a tactic of the enemy because he knows once you become free and truly surrender to God and his way, you will change lives. It’s up to us as individuals to carry the word of God in our hearts and teach the generations after us so that they can have the protection, guidance, and success that God’s wisdom guarantees.
Proverbs 1:33 (NIV) – “but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.”
Be Encouraged
I want to give you a prayer to be encouraged. Heavenly Father, search me and know my heart test me and know my thoughts, see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. I pray to have the heart to remain open to your rebuke and become consistent in seeking you for correction and application of your Holy word. Give me the heart to accept your words and store up your commands so that I can fully understand the fear of the Lord and your knowledge. I pray that I follow the plan you designed for my life that leads to your protection and success. I pray for wisdom to enter my heart concerning all the things and ways you intend me to understand. In Jesus name. Amen.